Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Tom Tom

JTR aren't you proud of me!? I have been steadily keeping up in this blog game... I hope I am doing it justice, even though I may not be a "merry prankster" like ya'll, but I got my own thang goin...miss thING stylie so listen here bro I hope you know that I am down to go to the sympos i suppose i ain't bringin no ho ho's but we may have some laughs and maybe a few ho ho ho's some jolliness may abound when we come around I hope we spark some creativity and lose our minds for a bit but they come right back so we can hard hit in the Wallingfooooord! that was whack...ok so call me or I'll call you and let me know when this simple symposium is to go i have to do any research and/or homework before my arrival???
pce out
Jame aka bootz aka miss thing aka art girlsy

1 comment:

Jamia Weir said...

Oh, I thought I already did Illy! u silly.

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